Thursday, November 25, 2010


"In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different" -Coco Chanel
meet me on tumblr anyway
see ya, D <3

deasy :) is typing a message...

oh yes, that my display name on ym. i'm online almost 12 hours/day. well, pretty long for a girl with sicked eyes like me.
havent update yet since menembus batas, still got nothing to do, experimentally, just not yet.
i'm wondering to make a video for my music study assignment, just short video about genre, the scene, the movement, people, etcetera, etcetera.
and after menembus batas i'm just feeling to make such a photo journal, yeah stage photos. emm, maybe a blog, place where people can see it freely, since my fb's private and this blog also talk about personal things, there should be a corner where all you see just whatever you want with no interfrene by any other things. well i type cryptically hahaha

so the end of november is coming, here goes the december!!!
i'm going to have school exam in the beginning of dec *sleepy
okay, i'm lazy, not active in my class, avarge in score.
but hell yeah, i've decided to take medical faculty next year, not that one, it's dentistry.
so someday, you'll see, Drg. Deasy Faradita Putri. hahaha amin
yeah, this blog just another home for me...

deasy :) is typing a message...

Friday, November 19, 2010

Menembus Batas | Photos

Final Attack

Straight Answer

Human Failed | The Last Super Hero | No One Cares | Trap

Kids | Crew | Friends :)

i really enjoy that 13th November. thanks Medan Crew.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Menembus Batas

how's life, kids? it's already 3 a.m. when i typed this post.

baru balik dari acara Menembus Batas which was presented by Medan Crew (Never Give Up Crew, MADAFAKA Records, IZI Family)
overall the gigs was......superb (for me personally)! even there was a little black spot there, someone injured in the mosh pit at was, but i think he's already fine now. dan dengan cuaca hujan dan disusul gerimis-gerimis manja hahaha alhamdulillah semuanya berjalan lancar.
the rundown went smoothly even with kinda little lateness. but in the end of the show, around 10 pm, Final Attack came up with 10 song (well, i tot) and so Straight Answer did on 10.30 pm. Each, 30 minutes on stage with fuckin great performance, warmed up, oh no sorry, boiled up the room with their songs. sing along, mic grabbing, moshing, stage diving, etcetera, it was really fun.
my favorite part was when Straight Answer came up with Oasis-Don't Look Back in Anger waaa, i like it so much much much.
and these guys sooo pretty welcome, thanks for the night guys, hope we can do, maybe greater things than these hahaha see you next time, au revoir!

i'll upload some of the photos soon, stay tune kids!
see ya, D.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Menolak Android

hey guys, happy november! so how your november goes? well, cukup buat basa basinya.
so here it is, Menolak Android by MADAFAKA recs. acara yang latar belakangnya seperti nama acaranya sendiri, Menolak Android, niatan MADAFAKA crew nya sendiri, as far as i know, merupakan acara charity yang tujuannya buat bangkitin rasa kepedulian dengan sekitar yang membutuhkan, cause we're human, not android. di flyernya sendiri juga tertera kalimat buat mengajak para youngster buat ikut menyumbang, but unfortunenately, dari perform pertama oleh Trap hingga perform terakhir oleh Bedebah Bangsat, gak ada satupun sumbangan yang diterima oleh crew, well, what happend? personally, a bit disapponted about this one. but overall, the gigs was totally HOT! if you ask me, even you may know where the venue is, yes it was in callista studio stm, but i'd rather call it as, somewhere around the corner, where big passion takes a big bite!

yap, some of these guys are my friends. Human Failed, Right for Me, and the others, bisa dibilang new comer, but they've got some hahaha some of them have double vox, it means, double mic grabbing spots
hasil fotonya emang kurang  maksimal, i mean,  yeah, if only you were there.

Menolak Android, presented by MADAFAKA recs.
see ya, D.