past is past, let it go, just do better for tomorrow :D
so here i am, bingung sih awalnya supaya apa juga punya blog bukan cuma sekedar pingin ngeksis juga haha i need a journal, i've done some experiment with many things A to B to C and it just rest in my memories, oh come ooon :O
bisa dibilang gak penting juga apa yang aku kerjain, but yes, i love to do artcraft hehe
jadi di postingan kali ini, aku bakal nunjukin personal box :D yaaa even you guys may think it just so not important at all haha.
nah, here's the story begin, i have a friend named fattahila known as itok called toki. afaik him, he's pretty fun. so i'm going to give him a birthday gift. but the problem is.... hard for me to get out of house T____T naaah bingung juga tuh mau kasih apa, keluar gak bisa, bangun sore terus -_- talking talking talking talking, he like simpson, gotcha! hahaha kebetulan pas SD dulu, temen baik aku pernah ngasih aku cup kecil, i mean really small, asleee kecil kaga bisa dipake minum, gambar bart simpson, bart simpson butt hahaha aku juga lupa ada itu dirumah, aku juga gak terlalu gimana sama simpson sekedar suka aja. so i decided to give it to him, as far as i know he adores simpson.
okedeh, so i get the bart simpson butt, tapi bingung gimana coba ngasihnya? kayanya terlalu biasa huu so i decided to make the box. recycled box loh tapinyaaa ;B so i resize my shoes box, dari kotak sepatu jadi kotak ukuran 9x9x9cm hahaha
kotak polos juga kayanya gak jelas, bener2 kaya kotak sepatu versi kecil, mana ada tulisan art colour sama size lagi hahaha so i decide to print some pict and cover the box
i pick the pict from his blog. these are his band, his recording label and some bands that he tot cool, okedeh nice try juga nih kayanya. i'm feeling creative.
aaaand voila! masih kasar, soalnya gak ada bahan cuma pake kertas sama doubletape aja asli chaos, but i like it :D
kayanya kado gak komplit yah kalo ga pake short message gitu? hahaha so i left it inside the cup
i have no wishes for him, oh really? i'd prefer he pick his own hopes and prayers. but hopes and prayers are not certain without act. effort means prayers + act. so we're people surround him/her, who had birthday. let's give 'em support and good suggestion so they can make it, for their best :D their life on their hand, so does ours :D
but i believe in good thing, still hoping, and all i have to do is take act and live my life! hahaha and so everybody does rightttt
okaaaay now it's finish, bingung ngasih final touch apa. so i decided to give it a black tape, hmm pretty sweet yah? hahaha
so here's my conclusion, kaya kata temen aku, luluk yang juga bakal ulang tahun 25 september ntar, orang ultah mah dikasih apa aja nerima, tapi balik ke pemberinya, ikhlas gak tuh, kalo bisa malah inisiatif sendiri :D no need to be expensive, but more to the personal value. dont care how much does it is cost you,if you really mean it, then it would be very meanful :)
this sept 4 would me my father's birthday, so me and my sister decided to give 'em a birthday cake hahaha we never give him a surprise before hmm...
i like birthday and anniversary, very blasting :D
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